

Topic: The lost art of letter-writing

Speaker: Lakshmi Pratury

Duration: 4:05

Link: https://www.ted.com/talks/lakshmi_pratury_on_letter_writing

Legacy noun

Money or property that you receive from someone after they die

An elderly cousin had left her a small legacy

Cyberspace noun

The internet considered as an imaginary area without limits where you can meet people and discover information about any subject
You can find the answer to almost any question in cyberspace.

Chronicle verb 

To make a record or give details of something
The book chronicles the writer's coming to terms with his illness.

Soul-searching noun
Deep and careful thought about your feelings, especially in relation to a moral problem or decision
After much soul-searching, he decided it was wrong to vote in the elections.

Penmanship noun 

Formal the art of writing by hand, or skill in this art
Children practicing their penmanship

Verses noun 

Writing that is arranged in short lines with a regular rhythm; poetry
She recited a verse from the Bible

Ashes noun

What is left of something after it has been destroyed by fire, especially what is left of a human body after it has been burned
Her ashes were scattered at sea.

Craving noun 

A strong feeling of wanting something
I have a craving for chocolate


Our life become more convenience by computers and cellphone now.
We use them to write paperdelivery message by emailkeep a diary on blog like what l am doing now, but we also leave writing far away.
When l am was elementary school student, l write letters and exchanging diary with my friends.
We write everything we want, even it is a very boring and small things, however, we just feel funny, that because we all enjoy the process of writing.
We would contemplated which color of pen should be used, image the reaction of friends' after reading these letters.
However, it is really depressing that l seldom receive letters by others now.
l like writing, believe handwritten-words can represent a person's emotion and soul, you may feel he or she stand by your side, just like what Lakshmi Pratury said "when l take out his letters and read them, and the paper that touched his hand is in mine, and I feel connected to him"

1 comment:

  1. Lin, it's true that people do not write often now. You can use this blog as your diary and write anything you want. You can give the link to your friends so they can give you feedback sometimes.
